The ‘Real Fabric’ of Kent County: Its People: The DeSilva Men—

(Picture above shows, from left to right: Albert, Richard, Manny, Arthur, and Eddie in succession.) The following story of mine appeared in the Kent County Daily Times. But to tell you the truth, in interviewing them,  I thought we might be kicked out of the Cozy Grille, on Tiogue Ave., in Coventry. Why?  Our laughter […]

There I Was—Back at My Father’s Childhood Church

I’m pretty amazed at my life.  I never know where the next door leads. I just keep going through doors that present, trusting…even if, at times, I hesitate. A perfect example is what I’m embarked upon now—guest-speaking. You see, I’d never have believed guest-speaking would become something I love. I just had too great a […]