Running the gamut of poignant and serious to laugh-out-loud funny, my columns in the Providence Journal (a Pulitzer-Prize-winning newspaper) reflect experiences of my 30+ years teaching (all levels) as well as the everyday insane happenings of life. Some of the following Op-Ed’s have gone viral and have been carried in publications far and wide. They obviously hit a nerve or a funny bone.
Click here to see some of my Providence Journal columns.

I began writing a regular column in the Mountain Xpress, “Asheville Under Glass,” when I realized my husband’s and my experiences as retirees adjusting to life in this mountain region were fun and note-worthy (especially to others who’d follow our same journey.) Apparently, the editor of Mountain Xpress agreed. Little did I realize that my articles…and a whole lot more… would prompt my book, Boomerrrang.
Click here to read some of my Mountain Xpress columns.
Click here other columns that have appeared in a variety of periodicals