Call for Student Rappers: Send Us Your Entries for Grandpa and the Truck

***But you might like to order the books first (check them out and order from Amazon.)

Note the book reviews from customers:  Highest marks from educators, librarians, truckers, parents…and kids.

Got kids in a class that like to rap? Video their efforts (with dramatic flourishes, as explained below) and maybe they’ll appear on the website (with parental permission, of course.) What else might the winning Rhode Island class rappers get? A visit from none other than the trucker and his teacher/writer wife…We’ll bring the big rigs to you, along with his exciting stories and sound effects.

Grandpa and the Truck Rap…..empty pockets big rigGrandpa in trucking gear aside white truck (2)

Three little kids (2 boys…one girl), with crazy hats?, colorful sunglasses (on one?), leaning against trees in their backyard, or on a playground, rap to following: They ham it up, putting on “surprise” face (“was surprised”) or make steering motions for line “That he manned the big rigs.” Imagine their other effects, too, as they rap to the following…..

 Asked Grampy what he did

For his money-earning gig

Was surprised when he told us

That he manned the big rigs.


In his truck, “Proud Mary”

Sitting high on his seat,

Went to every state but one…

Oh, that job was sweet….


****(Cut away to one boy saying)………”Except for when it wasn’t”


Saw a 6-car pileup

Off a California highway

Following a “smokie”

On a super-foggy day


Partner Ralph found out

Just how dangerous it can get

In the foothills of Virginia

When bloodhounds aren’t pets.


In Biloxi, Mississippi

Grandpa stopped for shrimp ‘n grits

But his motel lost its roof

When the hurr-i-cane hit.


Rhody’s “Girl Truckers” proves

Men and women are the same

They should do the jobs they want to

Never ones based on their names.


Soon… Grandpa will tell

Of the time he got stuck

On a New York State highway

Two whole days in his truck


(One child says: “They called it ‘Woodstock.’ “)


Then, there’s West Virginia

When he climbed that mountain road

In coal-mining region

With a full household load.


(Little girl says: “To bring a little girl her toys.”)


His stories teach geography

In a way that’s really cool

They tell us other things, too…

Not always taught in school…


Grammy says they’re ‘wholesome’ (Other little boy shrugs “What’s that?”)

Their lessons are a must…

They’re all “Made in America”…(Pause)

In a way… they’re just like us.


Contest Ends:  June 1st, 2015, with visit shortly after that. 

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