If You’ve Gotta ‘Do Common Core’…At Least Let This Real Teacher Help

tyler-triplets-grandfather-and-the-truckYou know what teachers’ biggest complaint is? Pseudo teachers telling us how to teach.  You know who I mean…the self-appointed, supposed experts…the ones who got out of the classroom…or never got into it…because they were either being eaten alive by the kids or they feared that fate.

Now, they’ve morphed into education’s resident experts who tell us REAL teachers how to do the job.

This real teacher offers an alternative:  If you must employ Common Core, why not invite a real teacher and her trucker partner to show how CC’s potential might be realized via every child’s interest in the big rigs. How? We teach life skills, geography, science, weather, and history, through our colorful character–the long-haul trucker who traveled America’s highways for 30 years. 

His stories are fascinating and riveting.

First school in Rhode Island test-driving our stories? Fort Barton, in Tiverton, one of America’s select Blue Ribbon Schools for Excellence. Grandpa and the Truck will guest-speak there in mid-May.

This school’s openness to trying this new venture (such as utilizing Grandpa and the Truck books to get across Common Core principles) might be one of the reasons Fort Barton is so special…

We hope others will follow their lead and sign on.

Other news? Grandpa and the Truck will appear as a vendor at the Rhode Island Library Association Conference in Newport, in late May….

Wish to contact us? Go to www.grandpaandthetruck.com.

P.S. Don’t let the pic fool you of the little guys reading the books:  These books aren’t ‘just for boys’…Book 2 features the exciting story of two Rhode Island women who became legends in the the long-haul trucking industry.

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