Latest Reviews of My Guest-Speaking
“What a wonderful day we had at Leisure Learning. Everyone was so impressed with your presentation! You have inspired many from the youngest to the oldest. You know from the audience’s response you held their attention to the very end. I am so proud that I was able to introduce you….” (photo is of St. Luke’s Peirce St., East Greenwich, where I spoke.)
From Eleanor Keating (the woman who booked me), Leisure Learning, East Greenwich, RI
Dede McMahon of Leisure Learning said: “I found (Colleen) to be refreshingly candid and open, exceptionally humorous, and very entertaining….”
The following is from Director of two elder-living sites in West Warwick where Colleen spoke this fall. Colleen’s now invited to the third site this director oversees in Johnston for a presentation in 2017:
“Colleen Mellor and her husband were guest speakers at two of our elder living sites this fall… Plaza Esperanza in West Warwick and another visit to Wildberry Apartments.
“Our experience with Colleen Mellor was extraordinary!
“Colleen was funny and very entertaining. She was a burst of energy for our elder residents. She inspired them to consider the history of their lives and to be their own memory keepers. Colleen engaged the residents to reminisce…
“I look forward to hosting Colleen and her husband again at our other senior housing sites. Not only is she a wonderful guest speaker, but she is also a genuinely kind person.”
Lucy Goulet, CRSC
Housing Opportunities Corporation
My Grandpa and the Truck books are available at my presentations, and they’re available on our website, too, until Dec. 18 (we can’t guarantee shipment in time for Christmas or other holiday after that date.) I personalize by child’s name if you add in Paypal instructions and I sign as author (how cool is that?) Your intended child gets actual author-signed book, one backed for authenticity by biggest trucking group, OOIDA, and Women in Trucking (WIT) and recommended by teachers, parents, and kids! And contact me if you wish guest-speaker. I’m loving my new role…and apparently audiences do, too.
For children’s books, go to