“Not So Fast”–If You Consider Leaving Rhode Island
Thinking of leaving Rhode Island, to live elsewhere? Tired of poorly-maintained roads, government mismanagement, and high taxes, when you know other states entice newcomers with no state income tax and a significantly-lower (or no) sales tax.
Why do you think so many retirees go elsewhere–especially to Florida? (yeah, it’s rhetorical.) It’s not because they want to play host to Disneyworld-seeking relatives.
What do I think of living elsewhere, especially in one’s senior years? I’ll give you my unvarnished report, based on our amazing, 9-year experience living in one of America’s ‘top retirement towns’—Asheville, North Carolina.
I’ll tell you how we decided about “Where?” and how we avoided common, costly pitfalls homebuyers in a new region make. Can you use this information if you buy in Rhode Island, too? Of course.
Why listen to my advice? After my 30 years in teaching, I became a top-ranked realtor, earning well over 6 figures, because a realtor’s job is a lot like teaching—we teach clients how to buy and/or sell homes.
Now, I share my knowledge with you, the public.
But I’ll give you more, too. I’ll tell you how to choose a condo/townhome unit from a vast array (no one else is going to share this important info with you.) I’ll tell you the pitfalls and advantages of communal living. I’ll show you how to self-sell and not get beaten-up, in the process, by realtors (remember, I was one).
I’ll offer hilarious insights as well.
I’ll tell you what might finally affect you, too, if you give up your home state for the lure of another….All considerations you might want to crunch in the hopper when you decide.
You see: It’s never just about seeking the balmy beaches of that southernmost tip when February’s harsh winds sink their teeth into our region.
This book will be useful for any who contemplate a move or even for those who aren’t sure about staying where they went.
My book-–“The Asheville Experiment” is coming……………………….