Preface to “The Asheville Experiment”
Many of you will do what we did…search high and wide, for that retirement home. You’ll be driven by a concern your home state fails to deliver; taxes too high; results too low; weather’s tough; it’s better elsewhere.
This book is for all who consider a move (anywhere, actually–even in-state.) As a successful realtor, I share with you what you need be concerned about and will even tell you how to sell your property by yourself (thus saving thousands.) I will also tell you how to optimize purchase.
But it’s far more than a house buying/selling guide. I get into the unexpected medical crisis we faced and the steps I took as warrior/advocate. You may find yourself in similar situation at some point.
My book, however, bears my stamp as humorist. As such, it’s filled with comical anecdotes, some of which I’ll offer–as snippets–in future posts.
The following is the Preface to the book.
“The Asheville Experiment” documents the many-year search of a couple for our retirement home, how we made our choice, and our assimilation into that community. As such, it is this author’s take on Asheville and surrounding regions, from the perspective of one who lived there 9 years.
But it’s often howlingly-funny.
I see Asheville through my lens as (1.) half of an active, older couple (2.) professional realtor (3.) resident of a new townhome community (4.) woman seeking friends in her new land (5.) spiritualist (6.) patient advocate in a medical crisis (7.) general observer (8.) humorist.
I see all in a kaleidoscope of color (hence the microscope and its lens) and offer my observations to help others in their quest to find their own Shangri-La.
Ironically, they may find their search ends in a most unusual place.
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