What’s Your Teaching Flavor?


Teaching Stylescropped long shot of apples

The picture? Yep..it’s of the iconic apple that folks always associate with teachers. So, my question to you: As teacher, are you of the red “Delicious” variety or the slightly-tart, green, of the “Granny Smith” family? I choose to think I was the latter, since I often laced my teaching style with a bit of bite (sorry, I know…lame pun…but I couldn’t resist.)

You’ll see some of that bite in my “Teacher Tales” in upcoming Providence Journal Op-Ed’s (past ones appear on Editorial pages of newspaper or can be accessed at www.providencejournal.com.) You’ll see heart-warming tales, too, and I’ll share some wonderful victories, as well as astounding defeats (so you won’t make the same mistakes)….

Put colleen kelly mellor in upper right “Search bar” and 28 items will come up. Some are reader reaction to specific topics (like Joyce Almeida’s Letter to the Editor–Thank you, Joyce, whoever you are.)  Most are my articles. They’re generating buzz in the industry, as more and more are saying “Hey, one of us is actually writing these.”

Some former students may appear (sweetly camouflaged, of course) or teachers, too.

Next one to appear will be this Thursday, January 8, 2015, called “Crystal Palace.”

In this New Year (2015), I am hoping more teachers lose their shroud of secrecy and weigh in. After all, we are the ‘real experts’ who witnessed what has happened in our industry.

Remember, one of us getting a teacher’s columns published is a serious coup, for it’s the first time a major newspaper (Prov. Journal is Pulitzer-Prize-winning newspaper) has given one of us such a platform. But I know you’ve got thoughts on the many topics I raise, so I invite you to express them.

If we don’t weigh in, we leave that job to others, and we’ve all seen how that’s been going…..

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