Self-Selling Your Home?-There’s a Name for That (Besides Crazy!)

Last week I was in a small supermarket (oxymoron?) in Wickford, Rhode Island, when a young woman called out: “Hello, Colleen…I’m Kerry (last name I omit). You helped my husband and me buy a home some years ago.” We hugged and chatted; she told me they’d sold that home and bought a new one in…

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Boomerrrang and I Are on TV and I Gotta Say: I Loved It!!

Happy Thanksgiving, all….and I’d just like to say: In recent years, I have many Rhode Islanders to thank, for what’s happening in my life. First, I thank Providence Journal Vice-President and Editorial page editor, Ed Achorn, for running my columns, monthly. In these, I hoped to give the public a window on the world of…

Just some of what Boomerrrang answers:

Just some of what Boomerrrang answers:

        8 “Why’s”…a “How”… and a “When” Why it might be best to buy a new condo in an already built community, rather than one you choose from a builder’s model. Why a flush Capital Fund is especially important in older condominium complexes… (Sadly, it’s one of the items most buyers ignore.) Why it’s best…

Why You Should Want Boomerrrang…..

Why You Should Want Boomerrrang…..

Going to find your dream home? In another state? Think you’re done with Rhode Island–the winter weather..the high taxes…the poor roads. This is the plan of so many Rhode Islanders bent on finding their own perfect place…their dream home. But often, those plans change as they realize there are no perfect places…that perhaps they just…