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What Are the Odds….…Of All Four People Being Affected by My Experience?

I needed my hair done for a major book presentation and sought my long time hair stylist who’s seen me through many events (weddings, etc.) Problem? Donna Simonelli (her photo’s on the right) would be on vacation in Costa Rica. So, she offered her friend/stylist Christine Corio DiBenedetto, whom I also knew, to stand in…

Humor’s a Big Winner in Boomerrrang

Humor’s a Big Winner in Boomerrrang

The photo is my guest talk at Westminster Unitarian before 3 realtor groups. I’ve been out there, talking up my new book, Boomerrrang, and in all my talks, there’s great interest. People tell me they LOVE the humor. (See the reviews of “Boomerrrang: The Amazing Journey…” on Amazon.) I’m thrilled they’re enjoying my guest-speaking, because…

Thinking of Moving to Another State? Read My Book First….

Thinking of Moving to Another State? Read My Book First….

Thinking of leaving your home state, to live elsewhere? (Or know someone who is?) Seek state with better municipal services…no income tax or a significantly-lower (or no) sales tax? What do I think of living elsewhere, especially in one’s senior years? I’ll give you my unvarnished report, based on our amazing, 9-year experience living in…